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Principal's OfficePrincipal
Linda Ashley, Ed.D.

Principal's Secretary
Erin Monteforte

Center School is dedicated to the belief that all children can learn. We believe in educating the whole child --intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.

Staff Directory

Courtney Aarsheim

Teacher - Grade 1
Center School

Jennifer Aguiar

Teacher - Grade 1
Center School

Cheryl Almeida

Accounts Payable
Old Rochester Regional

Greta Anderson

Teacher - Art
Center School, Old Hammondtown School

John Ashley

Technology Coordinator
Old Rochester Regional

Linda Ashley

Center School Principal
Center School

Nicolette Bache

Teacher - Grade 2
Center School

Jaime Balsis R.N., M.Ed., B.S.N.

School Nurse
Center School

Howard Barber, CPA, SFO, MCPPO

Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
Old Rochester Regional
1 2 3 9 > showing 1 - 9 of 80 constituents

Linda Ashley, Ed. D., Principal

Welcome to Center School! Center School is a thriving elementary school where children in pre-school through grade 3 come together in a positive learning community. The Center School staff welcomes the opportunity to share each day with our students. We are confident that together we can create the optimum environment to ensure the success of all students!

Each morning we come together in the gymnasium to have our opening exercises together. We recite the Pledge of Allegiance, sing a patriotic song, and hear a message from the Principal. We also celebrate our learning accomplishments together as a school community. 

All teachers at Center School have been trained in the “Responsive Classroom” model. The learning environment focuses on positive student engagement as students and teachers work together to understand and internalize the standards set in each curriculum area. Each week, all kindergarten through grade three students participate in five specialty classes: Art, Library, Music, Physical Education, and Technology.

Each day we work as a team with students and their families. Together we know that we can make a difference in the life of each child in our school community!